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山东大学 医学博士

The State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY, US) 联合培养博士

山东大学基础医学院医学心理学与伦理学系 博士后

山东大学基础医学院医学心理学与伦理学系 副研究员 




[1] Effectiveness of a resilience-targeted intervention based on "I have, I am, I can" strategy on nursing home older adults' suicidal ideation: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022,308:172-180. (1作者)

[2] The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between physical health and suicidal thoughts among Chinese rural elderly: A nursing home sample. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2018, 27(5): 1371-1382. (1作者)

[3] Role of resilience and social support in the relationship between loneliness and suicidal ideation among Chinese nursing home residents. Aging & Mental Health, 2020, 30: 1-11. (1作者)

[4] Characteristics of the Chinese rural elderly living in nursing homes who have suicidal ideation: A multiple regression model. Geriatric Nursing, 2017, 38(5): 423-430. (1作者)

[5] Exploring life and help-seeking experiences regarding suicidal ideations among nursing home residents. Geriatr Nurs. 2022,45:69-76. (Co1作者)

[6] Limitation on activities of daily living, depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation amongnursing home residents: The moderating role of resilience. Geriatric Nursing, 2020, 41(5):622-628. (Co1作者)

[7] Association between fatigue and depressive symptoms among kidney transplantation recipients: The mediating role of rumination. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2019, 75(12)3602-3608. (Co通讯作者)

[8] Preparation for future care moderates the relationship between loneliness and depression among Chinese rural older adults: A cross-sectional study. Geriatric Nursing, 2020, 41(5):641-647. (SCI/SSCI收录, JCR-2, Co通讯作者)

[9]Loneliness and depression symptoms among the elderly in nursing homes: A moderated mediation model of resilience and social support. Psychiatry Research, 2018, 268: 143-151. (2作者)

[10] Physical disability, low self-esteem, and suicidal ideation among Chinese nursing home residents: the moderating role of resilience. Aging Ment Health. 2023 Feb;27(2):263-271. (2作者)

[11] Social Support Moderates the Effects of Self-esteem and Depression on Quality of Life Among Chinese Rural Elderly in Nursing Homes. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2017, 31(2):197-204. (2作者)

[12] Depressive symptoms mediate the association between insomnia symptoms and health-related quality of life and synergistically interact with insomnia symptoms in older adults in nursing homes. Psychogeriatrics, 2019, 19(6): 584-590. (2作者)

[13] How Loneliness Worked on Suicidal Ideation among Chinese Nursing Home Residents: Roles of Depressive Symptoms and Resilience. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021,20;18(10):5472. (3作者)

[14] The relationship of interpersonal sensitivity and depression among patients with chronic atrophic gastritis: The mediating role of coping styles. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2017,27(5-6): E984-E991. (3作者)

[15] Association between social support and health-related quality of life among Chinese rural elders in nursing homes: the mediating role of resilience. Quality of Life Research, 2017,27(3):783-792. (3作者)

[16] Prevalence and related factors of successful aging among Chinese rural elders living in nursing homes. European Journal of Ageing, 2017, 14(4):419-428. (3作者)

[17] The protective effect of self-esteem on suicidal ideation among nursing home residents with limited social support in China: A cross-sectional study. Nurs Open. 2022 Nov;9(6):2729-2738. (3作者)

[18] Social Support as a Mediator of Physical Disability and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese Elderly. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2018, 32(2): 256-262. (4作者)

[19] Psychological distress in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis: the risk factors,protection factors, and cumulative effect. Psychology Health & Medicine, 2018, 23(7):797-803. (5作者)



[1] 山东省自然科学基金: 基于智能手机应用程序的住院癌症患者自杀意念及心理弹性干预研究 (ZR202111110102), 15万元, 主持

[2] 教育部人文社科规划项目危机下的亲社会行为研究:动态发生与重塑过程 (22YJC190018), 8万元,项目组成员 (2)

[3] 教育部人文社科规划项目:“语境疗法”与脆弱人群健康关怀机制研究 (14YJAZH068), 10, 项目组成员 (参与)

[4] 山东省自然科学基金面上项目: 会话分析视域下社区医养结合服务质量评价体系构建与路径优化(ZR2022MG063), 10万元, 项目组成员 (参与)

[5] 山东省社会科学规划项目: 乡村振兴背景下山东农村互助养老问题研究 (20CSHJ06), 3, 目组成员 (参与)

[6] 深圳市哲学社会科学课题: 基于会话分析的养老机构照护质量干预研究 (SZ2018B021), 18万元, 目组成员 (参与)

[7] 山东大学国家大学生创新性实验计划项目: 煤矿工人职业健康KAP现状调查与健康促进模式探讨, (101042234), 1.5万元, 主持

[8] 山东大学青年团队项目: 话语与健康养老研究 (IFYT15009), 7万元, 项目组成员 (参与)



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